also called amethyst by collectors, was the first colour
produced in 1923. In October 1923 the Pottery Gazette and Glass Trades Review
“Geo. Davidson & Co., Teams Flint Glass Works,
Gateshead-on-Tyne, the well-known specialists in pressed glass wares for
domestic uses, brought out, some little time ago, a remarkable line of matt
coloured glassware, which they appear to be steadily developing and extending.
These new productions seem to open up quite a new field of possibilities for
the Gateshead factory, for whereas at one time the productions of this firm
were solely of utilitarian interest, they have now invaded the ornamental
realm also. Some of the matt -colours which have already been produced by
Davidson & Co. are uncommonly good. Blues, ambers, greens, and black were
put upon the market at the beginning of the present year, and the latest
addition is an unique purple cloud or alabaster effect. This new treatment is
offered in. flower bowls of various shapes, which can be supplied, if desired,
with flower blocks to match.”
The Cloud effect was achieved by adding purple trails onto a
clear base glass. In fact purple trails were used in most of the different Cloud
Colours. Flower Bowls in purple Cloud were sold with matching flower blocks and
stands. Purple was produced in the full range of shapes including vases,
ashtrays etc.
Like most Cloud Colours, Purple was normally sold with one surface
polished and the other matt. The example, shown left, has all matt surfaces.
This treatment produces a very pleasing affect. Examples with all surfaces polished are also
known, but again are rare.
There are some rare and unusual
pieces of ribbon Purple Cloud. An example is shown here (right). This small
flower bowl has the Registered Design No 486298 stamped on the inside. This
design was registered in 1906. As this bowl has the design number inside it
suggests that this is an early example. The thick ribbon effect suggests,
that they had not yet perfected the art of making cloud, or that it proved
difficult in these small pieces. It may also be the case that this pre-dates the
introduction of Cloud Glass in 1923. Other examples of early shapes are also
known in this style of ribbon cloud.
1933 was the last year that Purple Cloud Glass was produced in significant
quantities. As late as 1937 the odd small batch of Purple Cloud was being made. The colour was re-introduced by Sowerby in the early
1960s who produced a few posy bowls and fancy ashtrays in Purple Cloud.
As can be seen in the picture below these pieces
have a 'washed out' appearance and lack the crispness of earlier Davidson

Some other examples of Davidson Purple Cloud are shown
